Thursday, September 18, 2008

Johnson's Visit

Recently some good friends from St. Louis came to visit. I love when people come to visit! It’s wonderful to be able to cook for them and show them around town and try to make them feel as relaxed and at home as I can. I don’t know why, I just really enjoy hospitality. I hope too they will see some of the Lord’s great love, kindness and joy through us.

Susan and Ed have a little guy, Peter, who is about 15 months. So it was great fun to see Peter and William together. Peter just wanted to hug on William all the time. It was so funny to see. Of course Peter has not quite got “gentle” down yet but he did very well with William and William did great with him. No tears on either side.

Susan and I both wished she could have had the camera!!


The Boojes said...

Very fun! And so cute! It was good to be with you guys! =)

Anonymous said...

looks like william has a new little friend. oh and mama told me about the exer-saucer. quite a toy!